Tomás Moraes Abreu Bonomi
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP)
Francisco Lotufo Neto
Departamento de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP).


Objective: This paper classifies and analyzes how and with what frequency psychopathology is portrayed in a sample of Brazilian and American cartoons and comic strips. It compares the frequency in which health issues, mental health, special and general psychopathology are addressed. Method: A sample of 1,883 cartoons and comic strips published in a six month period by the newspaper Folha de São Paulo and the New York Times was collected from February first to July 31 of 2007. Thousand and twenty-two strips were by Brazilian authors, 293 by American authors published by Folha de São Paulo and 568 by the New York Times. Categories were created to classify them. Results: Among Brazilian authors, 75.3% of the strips deal with health related themes. This category is divided into: physical health (12.9%) and mental health (62.4%). On the other hand, the American authors seldom address the theme health. Their preference was to social customs and habits and political issues, specially related to war. When health was presented the issues were mainly related to obesity and the lack of adequate care to the war veterans. Discussion: Comic books and strips show that violence, poverty and especially health are major concerns of the Brazilians comics authors, whereas the American comics and cartoons deal mainly with election politics and the war. The Brazilian stories address the topic of mental health more frequently, yet the portrayed psychopathological signs and symptoms are basically the same as Americans’. Brazilian stories also cover a greater variety of topics related to physical health. The American ones deal mostly with obesity related themes. Through humor, the comics call attention to the problems of our societies. In Brazil especially those of mental health and in United States the Iraq and Afghanistan war.

Keywords:Comics, comic strips, cartoons, health, psychopathology, psychiatry, sexuality