Aline Silva de Aguiar Nemer, Maria Arlene Fausto
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde e Nutrição, Escola de Nutrição (ENUT), Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)
Vilma Aparecida da Silva-Fonseca
Departamento de Fisiologia e Farmacologia, Instituto Biomédico, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).
Monique Haddad Ciomei, Késia Diego Quintaes


Background: Alcoholic beverages are widely available in the university environment, particularly at the parties. There are few studies addressing the relationship between alcohol consumption and academic performance among college students. Objective: This study evaluated the behavior of college students regarding the profile of alcohol consumption and its academic consequences. Methods: The volunteers (343 students) answered a questionnaire about their pattern of alcohol consumption and possible related behaviors, especially academic performance. Participants were classified as “non-drinkers” (ND), “non-binge drinkers” (nBD), “binge drinkers” (BD) and “heavy drinkers” (HD). Results: 88.1% of the students reported ingesting alcoholic beverages, 44% as BD. Most of the drinker students (75.5% – nBD, BD or HD) stated getting intoxicated at least once a month. Binge drinking was the predominant pattern (66.2% of those who drank). HD students presented a risk 9.2 times higher of not being in the ideal period of the course. Discussion: The college students evaluated presented high rates of alcohol abuse. Binge drinking might have interfered in their academic performance. Organic, social and behavioral consequences were also reported.

Keywords:Drugs, alcohol abuse, schools.