Häfner Wagner
Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Schizophrenia Research Unit , Germany
Marina Bandeira
Faculty of Medicine, Sorbonne University, Paris


The essential purpose is to measure the effectiveness related to cognitive remediation therapy and also improve cognitive functioning in schizophrenia. This research study is based on the theory related to the variables. this research study also describes some numerical results related to cognitive remediation therapy. To determine the research study used smart PLS software and generated informative results. The descriptive statistic and indicator correlation present the relationship between cognitive remediation therapy and improving the cognitive functioning of schizophrenia. The overall research study found direct links between cognitive remediation therapy and improving cognitive functioning. Cognitive remediation shows effectiveness impact in improving cognitive functioning in schizophrenia.

Keywords:Cognitive Remediation therapy (CRT), Improving Cognitive Functioning (ICF), Schizophrenia (S), Systematic review (SR), Smart PLS Algorithm