Leonardo Fernandes
Image Memorial, Medicina Diagnóstica, Salvador, BA, Brazil
Orlando Felgueiras
Department of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


The essential aim of this research study is to determine the psychological interventions for schizophrenia. This research study depends upon a systematic review. This research study is based on secondary data analysis related to psychological interventions for schizophrenia. The descriptive statistic analysis, the correlation coefficient, the regression analysis, the co-integration analysis, and the unit root test analysis also explain the graphical analysis. Many psychotic symptoms are present in patients with schizophrenia. In psychosis, people lose touch with the real-life frame of the world. It is difficult to find out what is real or not. The brain activity has been disrupted in a way the brain process information. Delusion is the phase in which the person holds false and strange beliefs that have no link with reality. People having delusions of reality may think that others are plotting against them, or they put wrong thoughts in their minds. Another cause of schizophrenia is hallucinations: the sensations people feel are unreal. Like hearing different voices and sounds, such sounds may dictate to them what they have to do. Less likely, they are facing the symptoms of strange smells, the sensation of touching or feeling someone around if these are not present in real; it is all the brain activity and thought process. The overall research found a direct link between psychological intervention related to schizophrenia.

Keywords:Psychological Intervention (PI), Schizophrenia (S), Systematic Review (SR), E-views software.