Lizhen Luo
Shiyan City Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital obstetrics department, Hubei, 442000, China
Guojuan Zhao
Shiyan City Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital maternity care Department, Hubei, 442000, China


Background: Gynecological practice frequently sees cases of ovarian cystic neoplasms. The pathologists may have trouble diagnosing these. The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical and histological characteristics of ovarian cystic neoplasm’s. Methods: This study was carried out retrospectively in a tertiary care facility in North East India between January 2016 and April 2017. All patients with histological confirmation of their clinical and radiological diagnosis of ovarian cysts were included in the study. Age, parity, clinical symptoms, laterality, and histological results were only a few of the data that were examined. Results: During the study period, 100 patients who underwent ovarian cyst surgery were examined. Lower abdomen pain was the most typical clinical symptom. There were 85 (84.1%) benign instances, 11 (10.9%) cases that were benign and 5 cases that were intermediate grade and borderline. One (1%) case of ovarian metastases was reported. The most frequent histological diagnosis (20.8%) was mature cystic teratoma. Serous cyst adenoma (19.8%) was the second most typical cyst. Conclusion: Ovarian cysts are a typical occurrence in gynecological practice, and pathologists also frequently meet them. Mature cystic teratoma and serous cyst adenoma were the two types of ovarian cysts that were most frequently detected.

Keywords:Cyst, Cystadenoma, Laparotomy, Teratoma