Mestrando em neurologia – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos do Déficit de Atenção (GEDA) do IPUB/UFRJ
Professor-adjunto da UFRJ, Coordenador do GEDA – Grupo de Estudos do Déficit de Atenção do IPUB/UFRJ


Objective: To Objective: review main short-term and long-term side effects of methylphenidate in the treatment of Attention-Deficit Disorder in children. Source of data: A Source of data: 12-year review in Medline and Lilacs. Results: Results: Among those side effects showed in the short-term, anorexia, insomnia, headache and abdominal pain are the most common ones, being the majority self-limited, dose-dependent and of medium intensity. Long-term side effects consist of mild blood pressure and heart rate increase and possible light growth suppression effect. Abuse and dependency are very rare. Conclusions: Conclusions: Methylphenidate side effects profile is safe and does not seem to justify its restricted use in Brazil, considering its solid benefits widely demonstrated in literature.

Keywords:Methylphenidate, ADHD, Attention-deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity.