Marina Ceres Silva Pena
Psicóloga, mestranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde Mental (PGSM) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP-USP), bolsista do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).
Francisco de Assis Carvalho do Vale
Neurologista, orientador do PGSM-FMRP-USP, professor adjunto do Departamento de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar).
Background: Dementia is increasingly prevalent in the population. Cognitive symptoms are usually accompanied by behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), causing an increase in the cost of care and the burden of the caregiver. Objectives: To search in the indexed literature until June 2008 articles related to studies on the occurrence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) and trying to identify their prevalence, characteristics and impact on caregivers in terms of loading, quality of life and socioeconomic cost. Methods: A systematic search was performed in the PubMed and LILACS indexing services, using the keywords: obsessive, compulsive, obsession, compulsion and dementia, having been identified 10 articles. Results: Among those, five focused on primary OCS, while in the other five OCS were a secondary objective; eight studies reported test of neuroimaging procedures; eight reported compulsive symptoms; two reported both an obsessive and compulsive symptoms, while no study reported only obsesssion. The majority of the studies reported cases of frontotemporal dementia patients. Discussion: The analysis of the 10 articles denified in our search highlighted the scarcity on research on OCS and dementia, the importance of associating neuroimaging to this kind of research and the diversity of trials to evaluate OCS. No article evaluated the impact of OCS in caregivers, which could be a suggestion for future studies
Keywords:Dementia, obsessive-compulsive symptom, review